Unikorn Capital Pty Ltd


The Unikorn Property Fund (Fund) is a retail managed investment scheme in the form of an Australian unit trust. Unikorn Capital Pty Ltd is the investment manager of the Fund (Investment Manager).

The Investment Manager is a corporate authorised representative (No. 001283079) of DHF Investment Managers Pty Ltd ACN 607 120 570 AFSL 509932.

The Investment Manager’s authority under its Corporate authorised Representative Agreement with DHF Investment Managers Pty Ltd is limited to general advice regarding the Fund only.

Any other advice provided is not provided pursuant to this agreement. Vasco Trustees Limited (RE) is the responsible entity of the Fund and the issuer of its product disclosure statement (PDS).

This website contains information about the potential issue of interests in the Fund, but it is not intended to be used by any other persons in any other jurisdiction if and to the extent that to do so would be in breach of Australian laws, or the laws of any foreign jurisdiction. This website contains general information only and is not intended to provide any person with personal financial product advice.

It does not take into account any person’s (or class of persons) investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs, and should not be used as the basis for making an investment in the Fund. This website may contain forward looking statements regarding our intent, belief or current expectations with respect to market conditions.

Due to various risks and uncertainties, actual events or result or the actual performance of the Fund may differ materially from those reflected or contemplated in such forward looking statements.

Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward looking statements. Neither the Investment Manager, Issuer nor the RE guarantee the repayment of capital, the performance of any investment or the rate of return for the Fund. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future performance.